Membership Information
The BAFM is primarily an association for forensic pathologists, and its meetings and other activities are very much geared with that in mind.
This includes however, not only full time practitioners but those in training, those involved in medico-legal autopsy work at whatever level, and those who may have retired from active practice. It is also not restricted to practitioners from the United Kingdom and Ireland, with membership open to colleagues from the rest of Europe and from further afield.
Additionally, the Association welcomes as a potential member any other person with a substantial involvement in medico-legal work whose qualifications are considered acceptable.
All applications for membership must be supported by two current members (Fellows) of the Association i.e. fully qualified practitioners, although further advice on this can be obtained from the Hon. Secretary. The final decision on any application rests with the Council of the BAFM. There is an annual subscription fee of £75.
An Application Form can be downloaded here.